ActivityDetailDiagram |
A representation of the model object 'Activity Detail Diagram'.
ActivityDiagram |
A representation of the model object 'Activity Diagram'.
Diagram |
A representation of the model object 'Diagram'.
Link |
A representation of the model object 'Link'.
LinkedObject |
A representation of the model object 'Linked Object'.
ModelFactory |
The Factory for the model.
ModelPackage |
The Package for the model.
ModelPackage.Literals |
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
NamedNode |
A representation of the model object 'Named Node'.
Node |
A representation of the model object 'Node'.
NodeContainer |
A representation of the model object 'Node Container'.
RoleNode |
A representation of the model object 'Role Node'.
RoleTaskComposite |
A representation of the model object 'Role Task Composite'.
TaskNode |
A representation of the model object 'Task Node'.
TypedNode |
A representation of the model object 'Typed Node'.
WorkBreakdownElementNode |
A representation of the model object 'Work Breakdown Element Node'.
WorkProductComposite |
A representation of the model object 'Work Product Composite'.
WorkProductDependencyDiagram |
A representation of the model object 'Work Product Dependency Diagram'.
WorkProductDescriptorNode |
A representation of the model object 'Work Product Descriptor Node'.
WorkProductNode |
A representation of the model object 'Work Product Node'.