ActivityDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Activity Description'.
ActivityTest |
A test case for the model object 'Activity'.
ApplicableMetaClassInfoTest |
A test case for the model object 'Applicable Meta Class Info'.
ArtifactDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Artifact Description'.
ArtifactTest |
A test case for the model object 'Artifact'.
BreakdownElementDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Breakdown Element Description'.
BreakdownElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Breakdown Element'.
CapabilityPatternTest |
A test case for the model object 'Capability Pattern'.
ChecklistTest |
A test case for the model object 'Checklist'.
ClassifierTest |
A test case for the model object 'Classifier'.
CompositeRoleTest |
A test case for the model object 'Composite Role'.
ConceptTest |
A test case for the model object 'Concept'.
ConstraintTest |
A test case for the model object 'Constraint'.
ContentCategoryTest |
A test case for the model object 'Content Category'.
ContentDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Content Description'.
ContentElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Content Element'.
ContentPackageTest |
A test case for the model object 'Content Package'.
CoreSemanticModelBridgeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Core Semantic Model Bridge'.
CustomCategoryTest |
A test case for the model object 'Custom Category'.
DeliverableDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Deliverable Description'.
DeliverableTest |
A test case for the model object 'Deliverable'.
DeliveryProcessDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Delivery Process Description'.
DeliveryProcessTest |
A test case for the model object 'Delivery Process'.
DescribableElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Describable Element'.
DescriptorDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Descriptor Description'.
DescriptorTest |
A test case for the model object 'Descriptor'.
DiagramElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Diagram Element'.
DiagramLinkTest |
A test case for the model object 'Diagram Link'.
DiagramTest |
A test case for the model object 'Diagram'.
DimensionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Dimension'.
DisciplineGroupingTest |
A test case for the model object 'Discipline Grouping'.
DisciplineTest |
A test case for the model object 'Discipline'.
DomainTest |
A test case for the model object 'Domain'.
ElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Element'.
EllipseTest |
A test case for the model object 'Ellipse'.
EstimationConsiderationsTest |
A test case for the model object 'Estimation Considerations'.
ExampleTest |
A test case for the model object 'Example'.
FulfillableElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Fulfillable Element'.
GraphConnectorTest |
A test case for the model object 'Graph Connector'.
GraphEdgeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Graph Edge'.
GraphElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Graph Element'.
GraphicPrimitiveTest |
A test case for the model object 'Graphic Primitive'.
GraphNodeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Graph Node'.
GuidanceDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Guidance Description'.
GuidanceTest |
A test case for the model object 'Guidance'.
GuidelineTest |
A test case for the model object 'Guideline'.
ImageTest |
A test case for the model object 'Image'.
IterationTest |
A test case for the model object 'Iteration'.
KindTest |
A test case for the model object 'Kind'.
LeafElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Leaf Element'.
MethodConfigurationTest |
A test case for the model object 'Method Configuration'.
MethodElementPropertyTest |
A test case for the model object 'Method Element Property'.
MethodElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Method Element'.
MethodLibraryTest |
A test case for the model object 'Method Library'.
MethodPackageTest |
A test case for the model object 'Method Package'.
MethodPluginTest |
A test case for the model object 'Method Plugin'.
MethodUnitTest |
A test case for the model object 'Method Unit'.
MilestoneTest |
A test case for the model object 'Milestone'.
NamedElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Named Element'.
NamespaceTest |
A test case for the model object 'Namespace'.
OutcomeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Outcome'.
PackageableElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Packageable Element'.
PackageTest |
A test case for the model object 'Package'.
PhaseTest |
A test case for the model object 'Phase'.
PlanningDataTest |
A test case for the model object 'Planning Data'.
PointTest |
A test case for the model object 'Point'.
PolylineTest |
A test case for the model object 'Polyline'.
PracticeDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Practice Description'.
PracticeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Practice'.
ProcessComponentDescriptorTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Component Descriptor'.
ProcessComponentInterfaceTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Component Interface'.
ProcessComponentTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Component'.
ProcessDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Description'.
ProcessElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Element'.
ProcessFamilyTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Family'.
ProcessPackageTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Package'.
ProcessPlanningTemplateTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process Planning Template'.
ProcessTest |
A test case for the model object 'Process'.
PropertyTest |
A test case for the model object 'Property'.
ReferenceTest |
A test case for the model object 'Reference'.
ReportTest |
A test case for the model object 'Report'.
ReusableAssetTest |
A test case for the model object 'Reusable Asset'.
RoadmapTest |
A test case for the model object 'Roadmap'.
RoleDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Role Description'.
RoleDescriptorTest |
A test case for the model object 'Role Descriptor'.
RoleSetGroupingTest |
A test case for the model object 'Role Set Grouping'.
RoleSetTest |
A test case for the model object 'Role Set'.
RoleTest |
A test case for the model object 'Role'.
SectionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Section'.
SemanticModelBridgeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Semantic Model Bridge'.
SimpleSemanticModelElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Simple Semantic Model Element'.
StepTest |
A test case for the model object 'Step'.
SupportingMaterialTest |
A test case for the model object 'Supporting Material'.
TaskDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Task Description'.
TaskDescriptorTest |
A test case for the model object 'Task Descriptor'.
TaskTest |
A test case for the model object 'Task'.
TeamProfileTest |
A test case for the model object 'Team Profile'.
TemplateTest |
A test case for the model object 'Template'.
TermDefinitionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Term Definition'.
TextElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Text Element'.
ToolMentorTest |
A test case for the model object 'Tool Mentor'.
ToolTest |
A test case for the model object 'Tool'.
TypeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Type'.
UmaAllTests |
A test suite for the 'Uma' model.
UmaExample |
A sample utility for the 'uma' package.
UMASemanticModelBridgeTest |
A test case for the model object 'UMA Semantic Model Bridge'.
UmaTests |
A test suite for the 'uma' package.
VariabilityElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Variability Element'.
WhitepaperTest |
A test case for the model object 'Whitepaper'.
WorkBreakdownElementTest |
A test case for the model object 'Work Breakdown Element'.
WorkDefinitionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Work Definition'.
WorkOrderTest |
A test case for the model object 'Work Order'.
WorkProductDescriptionTest |
A test case for the model object 'Work Product Description'.
WorkProductDescriptorTest |
A test case for the model object 'Work Product Descriptor'.
WorkProductTest |
A test case for the model object 'Work Product'.
WorkProductTypeTest |
A test case for the model object 'Work Product Type'.