Julen Etxaniz

Student in Master in Language Analysis and Processing at UPV/EHU. Graduate in Informatics Engineering.


GitHub Repositories

🎓 Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo, GitHub, and Netlify
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Natural Language Processing Applications
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Academic personal website that includes a short description, social links, biography, interests, education, skills, experience, accomplishments, projects and contact info.
HTML 2 3
Twitter Sentiment and Emotion Analysis
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Corpus Linguistics slides, labs and data
Computational Syntax slides and exercises
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing slides, labs and assignments.
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Comparing Writing Systems with Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme and Phoneme-to-Grapheme Conversion
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
GitHub profile readme that includes stats, trophies and top languages.
Machine Learning and Neural Networks Labs
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Machine Learning and Neural Networks Lectures
HTML 1 0
Metaereduetan oinarritutako softwarearen garapenerako prozesuen definizio eta ezarpenerako sistema
Software proiektuen elaboraziorako workflowetan oinarritutako sistemaren sorkuntza eta bizi-zikloa definitzeko metodologia baten ezarpena
HTML 1 0
📝 The website builder for Hugo. Build and deploy a beautiful website in minutes!
HTML 1 0
Community Detection - Bilaketa Heuristikoak
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Muturretik muturrerako solasaldi sistema
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
ProWF Proiektua IO-System
Métodos Formales de Desarrollo de Software
Dafny 1 0
GitHub personal website that includes a photo, short description, social links and GitHub repositories and topics.
HTML 1 0
Automatic Image Caption Generation model that uses a CNN to condition a LSTM based language model
Jupyter Notebook 4 0
Java Battleship FeatureIDE SPL
Java 1 0
The goal of the project is to compare different classification algorithms on the solution of plane and car shape datasets.
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Simulating the Izhikevich spiking neuron model using the Brian2 software
Jupyter Notebook 1 0
Galderen jokoa Web Sistemak
Zure erakusleiho digitala SZA
Código de minado para la cadena de bloques de SGSSI
Python 0 0


GitHub Topics